About Lindsey
Lindsey Jennings was born and raised in the small town of Mount Sterling, Illinois (originally the land of the Kickapoo people), where she became an enthusiastic do-er of all things from a young age. She received her BFA in Dance from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2020 where she performed in works by Abby Zbikowski, Jennifer Monson, Kaitlin Fox, and Kendra Portier/BAND, among others. She is now located on Lenape land, Brooklyn, New York, and works as a freelance dancer, social media marketer, and graphic designer for a variety of organizations including freeskewl, Bates Dance Festival, the feath3r theory, and Artichoke Dance Company. She originally attended Bates Dance Festival in 2017 as a PTP student, returned in 2019 as the Social Media Intern, and is thrilled to be coming back to the festival again.